There are many essential layers to creating a successful WordPress blog. One of them is to ensure that the blog is maintained correctly. Part of this will depend on the traffic your blog receives, as more traffic often requires more maintenance. This will not be a significant issue for some people who are trained in configurations, adjusting themes, or troubleshooting. However, for most people, this will be a learning process.
Luckily, there are companies on the market that focus primarily on WordPress blog management and maintenance. One such company is WP Buffs. In this WP Buffs review we will have a look at WP Buffs and hopefully, help you decide if you will need WP Buffs services or not.
WP Buffs is a service for serious website owners that offers 24/7 support. They can help with many different situations, they have been around for a long time, and they have packages to fit the needs of anyone. This review will discuss what they do, their reputation, and how they compete with other similar companies.
Who They Are
WP Buffs is a company that works 100% remotely from every time zone around the world. This flexibility means that the service they provide will be convenient for your blog despite your location. In addition, the company employs a diverse group of people with various backgrounds, from engineering to marketing. The diversity in the employees’ educational experience means that regardless of what kind of support you are looking for, WP Buffs will provide.
One great thing about WP Buffs is that their employees are considered WordPress experts. This is great because the company is intentional about who they hire. They want to make sure any employment decision would add more experience to WP Buffs. This collection of knowledge is a big plus for the WP Buffs review and an important reason why we recommend WP Buffs to serious and professional bloggers and website owners in general.
Services Offered
WP Buffs offers support for every aspect of premium WordPress maintenance. This is true for both the everyday needs of site owners and more complex solutions. The more common solutions they provide are 24/7 website edits, emergency support around the clock, weekly updates, backups, and speed optimization. These are the things that every person who uses WordPress professionally will need because they are essential to the site running smoothly even if there has not been a threat.
WP Buffs also offers advanced website support. The support comes in handy for people who have sites with eCommerce, membership, multilingual, or other advanced functions.
Also, they offer mobile and browser optimization. This will ensure that your site is compatible with mobile devices and that your page loads correctly without sacrificing the design and content.
Plans And Pricing
WP Buffs has multiple plans for potential customers to pick. In terms of their basic programs, they have three options. First, there is the “maintain” plan. This one is priced at $67.00 per month when paid monthly. It includes the essentials such as weekly reports, emergency support, 24/7 uptime monitoring, cloud backups, google analytics numbers, and other weekly updates.
Next, they offer the “protect” level of support. The “protect” level of support has everything the “maintain” option has. Still, it also includes cloud backups twice per day, iThemes security Pro premium plugin, security optimization, and unlimited 24/7 website edits. This option is priced at $147.00 per month.
Last under the basic plans, is the “perform” option. It has everything the “protect” plan has, but it adds more backups, optimization, WP Smush Pro Premium, priority support, etc.; you can acquire this one for $197.00 per month.
Of course, some customers will need more of a mix of support than what is offered. To help those, WP Buffs also offers custom plans. They are more expensive, but these plans are worth the price difference for many people.
Who Is WP Buffs Good For?
WP Buffs is for anyone who has a WordPress blog and takes it seriously. This is because if you have traffic coming to your site daily, you will want to ensure that the site will do everything it’s supposed to.
The necessity of the website doing what it is supposed to be especially true if you earn income from your WordPress blog. WP Buffs can ensure that your site is functional, that you have a representative who can help if there is an issue, and that everything gets backed up like it’s supposed to. These services are paramount to a successful WordPress site, and WP Buffs has a long history of providing them.

WP Buffs Review – Conclusion
Out of all the companies that service WordPress, WP Buffs is one of the best. Not only do they have services that fit all needs when it comes to your WordPress site, but they also have a long and trusted history. Having a company that provides 24/7 support and even offers custom plans and WP Buffs would not disappoint. Their website is super easy to use, and it allows you to set up your account completely. In addition, the people at WP Buffs have made it beyond simple to get the help you need for maintaining your site without having to learn a great deal about programming, coding, etc.